

Approaching Chinese consumers not only while visiting Japan but also after returning to China.

Domestically, we are aiming at business developments that make use of our Internet-based sales know-how cultivated from operating fashion EC sites. And for overseas, we have started to consider approaching not only Chinese tourists visiting Japan but also Chinese consumers after they return to China. In China, the introduction of IT is proceeding even more rapidly than in Japan, and the EC market scale is drastically increasing. Unlike store, EC sites do not require rent or personnel expenses, so it is possible to buy the exact same product cheaper than at a store, which means that Internet shopping as now become mainstream. Due to this background, we have started focusing on sales through trans-border EC sites.

Understanding the Chinese EC market, said to be the largest in the world, and beginning trans-border EC businesses.

In regard to our domestic EC business, in addition to operating the EC site for the fashion brand “junhashimoto” developed by the group company COMITAS Co., Ltd., we are developing EC services unique to us while making use of systems we develop. Overseas, we sell our own products and provide mediation support to sell products we have received requests from other companies for at locations such as the major Chinese corporations the “Alibaba Group,” “Taobao,” “Tmall,” “Jing Dong” and “Wei pin hui.” In response to companies saying they want to sell products through trans-border EC sites, but they do not understand the sales customs, regulations or distribution channels and do not know where to ask, we have made using our know-how regarding trans-border EC sites to help them one of our current main businesses.